Dubbed as Breakfast of Champions, Cebu-based leaders of the LH Paragon Group’s strategic business units gathered at the Oakridge Executive Club on March 22, 2024.

Leading the discussion was LH Paragon Group Chairman Mr. Bernie H. Liu who emphasized the importance of remembering the past to shape the future, aptly so on the occasion of the Group’s 60th Founding Anniversary this year.
In his keynote message, Mr. Liu challenged the Group to reflect on the 5G’s as points for reflection, both at work and in our personal lives, these are: Gift, Gratitude, Grow, Give back, for God’s greater glory.
He explained that everything is a Gift, and that we always have to be Grateful for these gifts. Along with gratitude comes the responsibility of making these gifts Grow, so that we can Give Back to the greater community and create an impact, all for the Greater Glory of God.
Bearing in mind the 5G’s, the Group aims to achieve its collective goal and fulfilling its mission of continuing to make a lasting impact across different communities for the many years to come.
Equally highlighted during the gathering was the cascade of the 60th Anniversary Programs of the Group’s philanthropic arm, LH Foundation, Inc., further cementing our Chairman’s message and the Group’s commitment in the continuing mission of being genuine stewards for the future.

Likewise, LH Paragon Group Chief Finance Officer Mr. Edmun H. Liu exchanged insightful conversations among the Group’s executives and managers, inspiring them to become better captains of their respective ships, echoing the Group’s collective mission of stewardship through entrepreneurship, as exemplified by the life and legacy of our Founders, and carried on to the next generation of stewards, including each one of those present, in the different roles they fulfill across the Group’s different businesses.