The second generation of the LH Family: Charlie Liu, Bernie Liu, Alfredo Go, Doris Ong, and Edmun Liu.
LH Foundation, Inc. (LHFI), the philanthropic arm of the LH Paragon Group, extended its full support to the chapel renovation project of the San Carlos Seminary College.

In a symbolic unveiling ceremony followed by a Thanksgiving Mass presided by His Excellency Bishop Midyphil Billones, D.D. on December 31, 2022, the Chapel is dedicated in honor of the living faith of LH Foundation Founder, Papal Awardee Dame Norma Liu, whose own calling as a loving wife and mother manifests her wholehearted commitment to the faith and her dedication, love, and service for the Catholic Church.

The newly renovated Martins of Lisieux Chapel: Sts. Therese, Louis, and Zelie.
The newly renovated chapel is a timely endeavor to mark the 50th Anniversary (1971-2021) of the establishment of San Carlos Seminary College. It is now called The Martins of Lisieux Chapel, dedicated to a family of Saints: St. Therese of the Child Jesus, who devoted her tender life to pray for priests in her chosen vocation of love as a Carmelite sister; and her parents, Sts. Louis and Zelie, whose lives show us that if we live with love, we grow in holiness. The Chapel will soon house the relics of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin.

The second and third generations of stewards of the LH Family.
Present at the unveiling were the second and third generations of the LH Family headed by LH Foundation, Inc. Chairman Mr. Bernie H. Liu, together with the LHFI Board of Trustees: Mr. Alfredo H. Go, Mr. Charlie H. Liu, Mrs. Doris L. Ong, and Mr. Edmun H. Liu, with their spouses and children.

The LH Family with Msgr. Jan Thomas Limchua (5th from left), His Excellency Most Rev. Midyphil Billones, D.D. (7th from left), and Msgr. Joseph Tan (9th from left).
Papal Chaplain to His Holiness, Msgr. Jan Thomas Limchua and San Carlos Seminary College Rector and Formator, Msgr. Joseph Tan concelebrated the Thanksgiving and Dedication Mass.

The Martins of Lisieux Chapel: Sts. Therese, Louis and Zelie is located within the San Carlos Seminary College, along Pope John Paul II Avenue, Mabolo, Cebu City.