Sharing in the mission of saving lives and restoring livelihoods, LH Foundation Inc. has helped administer a total of 297,593 primary and booster vaccine doses to employees and dependents from 3,430 registered Companies, Organizations, Micro-Establishments and People’s Associations from the Metro Cebu LGU’s through its full support to the Project Balik Buhay (PBB) Vaccination Initiative, a public-private partnership aimed at helping augment the capacity of the government vaccination centers, focusing mainly in vaccinating the employed sector, in order to help revive the local economy as quickly as possible.

Upon the request of the Office of the Presidential Assistant for the Visayas (OPAV), the Inter-agency Task Force for Emerging Diseases-Visayas (IATF-Visayas), Department of Health Region 7 (DOH-7) and the Visayas COVID-19 Vaccination Operations Center (VVOC), Project Balik Buhay helped mobilize Private Companies, Foundations and Business Organizations in Cebu to voluntarily set up DOH-accredited but Private Sector-funded-and-managed PBB Vaccination Centers to ensure a safe and efficient vaccination roll-out for our fellow Cebuanos in support of the National Government Vaccination Program, at no cost to the government or to the vaccinees.
From April 2021 to March 2022, LH Foundation Inc. has provided the Medical and Non-Medical Volunteers, Data Management and Customer Service Support Teams who helped facilitate the vaccination initiative across seventeen (17) PBB Vaccination Centers in Cebu during the 11-month program.

As of March 30, 2022, out of 346,565 registered individuals, 136,089 individuals received their 1st doses, and 134,162 individuals received their 2nd doses, while 27,342 booster doses were also administered through PBB.

In July 2021, Project Balik Buhay launched the PBB SalBaBida Program (Salary and Bonus Assistance for our Bidas) to help enable and encourage nurses attending to Covid patients across 13 participating Private Hospitals in Cebu at the height of the Delta-driven surge. LH Foundation Inc., together with the generous support of the PBB SalBaBida Partners, extended assistance to 993 nurse beneficiaries in August 2021 and to 944 nurses during the second tranche of the program in September 2021.

LH Foundation Inc. also extended its support to Bayanihan Cebu, Inc., from April 2020 to March 2021 and was instrumental in providing medical treatment and care to 679 Covid-19 patients at the Bayanihan Cebu Field Centers and free swabbing services to 38,057 individuals at the Bayanihan Swabbing Center.

Over 660 medical and non-medical volunteers rendered approximately 236,000 hours of service and 119,352 free meals were provided to patients, doctors, volunteers and ancillary staff in support of the various PBB programs since the onset of the pandemic.
In sum, more than Php 300M worth of donations and contributions whether in cash, in kind or in services were contributed by various partners, donors and benefactors through the PBB programs.
As we transition into what will hopefully be the endemic phase of COVID-19, LH Foundation Inc. continues to heed the call for stewardship through its various advocacies, and is grateful to have contributed in the ongoing mission of saving lives, restoring livelihoods and reviving communities.